As i always told ppl, you will be the main reason for me to leave and hunt for another job. Yes, i mean it. till now
2015,我 VIVA 过关了
独自一人负责一个项目是好是坏?见仁见智吧。如果,你很厉害,那个是你的强项,当然你就是有无限的发挥。哪像我,什么都不懂,不过,还是得被同事推上,给专业意见,给讲座。我想说,我真的真的很不厉害。我真的真的,在这行,是不行的。和另一个公司的人,我竟然还比较好聊,虽然他们都是上了年纪的uncle,虽然有时他们办事很慢(大公司,当然你推我我推你,不过现在比较好了)。但是就因为他们很有经验,也是很好的学习对象。毕竟他们大多数在这一行都是多年。那个director 也很好,也会分享自己的故事。或说,我公司,我竟然和自己的teammate 不熟,也没什么的话题。zzzz
Even though I tried many times,trying to accept u,everyone around said u r good,but hell yea,I just can't! There is always a point that I wanted to escape so much.why?!
Finally secured a job and going to work on coming next Tuesday!! OMG!! This is just too soon!! Compete with around 200 applicants for this job, and hmmm... I GOT IT! Thanks god thanks buddha thanks sampo..THANKS ALL!! The first job in my application list *Dont even realise about it until I checked back*
Viva had over!
Finally done with my viva. Oh well, a speedy viva I would say? Due to some internet connectivity, the chairperson require me to finish my presentation within 10mins. Holy shit, slides prepared for 20-25mins leh wtf. Speed up my speech haha! Well maybe waited for too long outside (should be started at 10 but ended up at 10.30) the nervous is my stomach had gone. While the external examiner starting to 'questioned' me, the problem came again. Tut...disconnected!! Did everyone get frustrated with it ?haha! After 2-3 times,ended up with phone calls!! Damn chio also hahaha!! Then I was excused from the meeting. Well well...okla heard them laughing inside and I also busy whatsapp-ing outside.. So, went in the room again for the question by internal examiner.not a long one though.. Once again was excused out after the Q&A... And tadaa they congratulated me... Phew..I would like to say God was at my side, buddha and Sampo and all kinds of God who helped me. It was a fast viva I guess? Within 1h..phew..well,although got 1-2 questions that I can't answer properly..hmmn but I had passed with scale 2, minor correction!